Emily Rizza
Since October 2023 I’ve been coordinating the health and wellbeing project on the willow field. What a treat it is to be part of this new venture, weaving together some of the things that matter to me the most. I dream of the willow field becoming a joyful, nourishing place where folk can come and learn, share and just be in all their diversity, connecting with each other and the land. My role involves holding groups, networking, fundraising and navigating bureaucratic trails alongside seeking and coordinating volunteers, co-creating a supportive community environment. I spend my working days on the field or in front of the laptop in the pole barn, feeling lucky to be surrounded by such kindness, creativity, humour and friendship.
To share a bit about myself, I’ve spent my adult life travelling, studying and working in helping relationships. Since moving back to the northeast, not far from where I grew up, I’ve held the Care Farm and Together We Grow wellbeing projects at Cullerne with the Findhorn Foundation and worked on Growing Together projects in Highland secondary schools. I’ve also spent the last few years studying for a diploma in Person-Centred Counselling and an MSc in Transpersonal Psychology, with a focus on embodied movement. Past work includes several years with Grampian Women’s Aid and various jobs supporting children, young people, the elderly and those with learning disabilities and autism. I also spent a year teaching English in Sicily, which I have to say was not my forté, though I did love la vita Siciliana.
I’d describe myself as serious, silly and sensate. I love to dance, play, write, be in nature and spend time with the many people I love. I suppose my own internal struggles foster a passion for supporting others to find more freedom and acceptance within themselves, to nurture confidence and feel empowered and embrace their unique potential. I love exploring ways to break down the barriers that block connection and am particularly drawn towards people in caring roles and those who feel themselves marginalised or on the fringes of this mad and beautiful world we live in. I hope I can infuse some of these passions, experiences and interests into the work I do for Naturally Useful. It feels like a real opportunity to co-create something deeply meaningful in the community.